HealthAngela Neal-Barnett, Ph.D.

Angela Neal-Barnett, Ph.D.

Professor and Director, Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans
Affiliation: Kent State University
Articles Published: 1
Social Engagement: 108
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About The Author:

Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett is a national award-winning psychologist, professor, and leading expert on anxiety disorders among African Americans. The first Black woman to be tenured and promoted to the rank of professor in the Kent State University Department of Psychological Sciences, she directs the Program for Research on Anxiety Disorders among African Americans. Dr. Barnett’s work focuses on helping Black women and girls overcome anxiety and fear.

She is the recipient of numerous federal, state and foundation including grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Women’s Endowment Fund of the Akron Community Foundation, and Ohio Commission on Minority Health Dr. Neal-Barnett is the architect and developer of the Build You Own Theme Song App© and the author of Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic and Fear (Fireside/Simon and Schuster).

An international workshop presenter and speaker, her work has been featured on CNN, NPR, Fox, BET, and the Tom Joyner Morning Show as well is in Health magazine, Working Mother, Essence, Ebony, and the New York Times. For more information, connect with her on twitter or log onto her website.

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